We hear a lot about genetically engineered (GE) food and genetically modified organisms (GMO) food, but what do these terms mean? They mean the live organisms in the food have been altered in a way that would never naturally occur, by concocting volatile mixtures of bacteria, virus, plant, and animal genes. They have been modified to tolerate heavy saturation with glyphosate herbicide in order to kill weeds, but not harm the plants that ordinarily would have been killed by the glyphosate. The crops most often saturated with glyphosate include corn, soy, canola, and cotton. Farm animals are also fed GMO food, so we get GMO food no matter what we eat, unless it’s certified organic.
You may be wondering what’s wrong with using the herbicide RoundUp. The problem is it contains glyphosate, which accumulates in our bodies and causes all kinds of diseases. Herbicides contain ingredients that help the glyphosate be more effective. These adjuvants are “active principles of human cell toxicity.” This cell damage occurs in RoundUp crops, and on lawns and gardens when RoundUp is used for weed control.
Glyphosate herbicide creates a systemic contamination, which means every plant cell is infected. Most chemicals used to saturate crops are topical and can be washed off. Glyphosate cannot be washed off because it is part of the crop. Food containing GE ingredients cannot have the GE washed off because it is systemic like glyphosate.
It’s important to read the label of herbicides and pesticides. You will probably see some ingredients listed as “inert” or “inactive ingredients.” According to federal law, “inert” means it is not harmful to pests or weeds. This does not mean it isn’t harmful to people or pets. According to a 2012 study, “inert” ingredients include solvents and preservatives, among others. They usually increase the toxicity of the product, even if the ingredient is not toxic on its own. This occurs because the “inert” ingredients aren’t always inactive, and the synergistic action between active and inactive ingredients causes toxicity.
It is estimated that Americans eat approximately 200 pounds of GMO food each year.
RoundUp chelates minerals out of the plants, including manganese and magnesium, which essentially starves the plant. This same process occurs in humans eating RoundUp GMOs. No wonder the population is becoming unhealthier each year as disease rates skyrocket.
In the United States, crops are sprayed with one billion pounds of pesticides, mostly glyphosate, each year. Monsanto (a NWO corp) and others insist the human body excretes glyphosate, but it is now being detected in blood and urine samples, as well as breast milk. Monsanto also claims RoundUp is harmless to people and animals because it uses the shikimate pathway to kill weeds, and the pathway does not occur in most animals. The problem with this theory is that the shikimate pathway does occur in bacteria, which is how it becomes systemic and harmful to people and animals.
Using GMOs were sold to the public as a way to use less pesticide, but RoundUp instead “has called forth a veritable monsoon of herbicides, both in terms of higher application rates for Roundup, and… growing use of other, more-toxic herbicides,.” according to a 2012 article. Herbicide use increased 11% from 1996 (following the release of RoundUp ready crops) thru 2011. Then, RoundUp use increased 24% for RoundUp ready crops of corn, soy, and cotton, because glyphosate-resistance had developed in the crops. More toxic chemicals had to be used to deal with the problem.
According to a former GMO biotechnologist that used to believe Monsanto’s propaganda before he began reading documentation from other countries:
“I refute the claims of the biotechnology companies that their engineered crops yield more, that they require less pesticide applications, that they have no impact on the environment and of course that they are safe to eat.
The Bt corn and soya plants that are now everywhere in our environment are registered as insecticides. But are these insecticidal plants regulated and have their proteins been tested for safety? Not by the federal departments in charge of food safety, not in Canada and not in the U.S.
There are no long-term feeding studies performed in these countries to demonstrate the claims that engineered corn and soya are safe. All we have are scientific studies out of Europe and Russia, showing that rats fed engineered food die prematurely.
These studies show that proteins produced by engineered plants are different than what they should be. Inserting a gene in a genome using this technology can and does result in damaged proteins. The scientific literature is full of studies showing that engineered corn and soya contain toxic or allergenic proteins.”
Monsanto has made some interesting statements about glyphosate levels in GMO food. They have said that glyphosate residues in GMO soybeans are actually lower than in conventional soybeans. Some glyphosate residue levels in non-GMO soybeans have been as high as 17 mg/kg, which Monsanto attributed to desiccation. Yet a separate study of Iowa-grown soybeans showed no residue in non-GMO soybeans, but up to 20.1 ppm in GMO soybeans.
Corn produces similar results with 13 ppm glyphosate in GMO crops, but no glyphosate in non-GMO corn.
Monsanto has also said that glyphosate residues up to 5.6 mg/kg in GMO soy are “…extreme levels, and far higher than those typically found.” Then what does that make residue levels of 13 ppm, or 17 mg/kg?
In 2013, Congress passed HR 933, which became known as the Monsanto Protection Act. The legislation prevents federal courts from stopping the sale or planting of GMO crops and seeds, regardless of health consequences that may be identified in the future.
In December 2014, the U. S. Department of Agriculture announced it had studied pesticide residue levels in food. Approximately 99% of the tested samples that contained pesticide residue had safe levels of pesticide in them, with 40% not having any pesticides at all. Yet, because of “cost concerns,” the USDA did not test for glyphosate residues AGAIN, the herbicide used most often worldwide. Apparently they didn’t want anything to interfere with their cozy relationship with Monsanto. Employees frequently leave government employment for a high-paying job at Monsanto, and vice versa.
Is there a safe alternative to toxic herbicides? According to the Beyond Pesticides group, “Given that alternative methods of growing food and managing weeds are available, like those that exist in organic agriculture, it is unreasonable for EPA to increase human exposures to Roundup.”
Numerous polls have shown that more than 90% of the general public supports GMO labeling. Yet, GMO labeling initiatives constantly fail throughout the United States. How can this happen if the public is significantly in favor of labeling? If you’re Monsanto, you commit crimes to influence voters, and face no consequences.
In the 2012 election, California had a proposition on its ballot, Prop. 37, that would have required GMO labeling. In an attempt to defeat the proposition, Monsanto misused an FDA logo and also created a quote it attributed to the FDA in a direct mailing campaign. Misusing a government seal can result in a $250,000 fine and 20 years in prison. The FDA has stated the quote is false, since it was illegal for federal agencies to comment on legislation. No action was taken against Monsanto.
Next, Monsanto falsely claimed one of their experts was a Stanford professor when in reality the expert worked for the Hoover Institution that merely rents office space at Stanford. This was after Monsanto used Stanford’s logo in ads and mailers even though Stanford had taken no position on the proposition.
Monsanto also claimed no documentation existed that proved any negative effects from eating GMO food. This ignores an incident where a batch of Tryptophan, a supplement, had been contaminated with a GE strain of bacteria resulting in 37 deaths and 1,500 disabilities.
Corporations that made contributions to the fight against HR 933 included Monsanto, DuPont (a NWO corp), Pepsi (a NWO corp), Bayer (a NWO corp), Dow (a NWO corp), BASF (a NWO corp), Kraft Foods (a NWO corp), and Coca-Cola (a NWO corp).
If you find it difficult to believe that we are intentionally being poisoned with the food we eat, think about why it is acceptable to use harmful and toxic substances in the food in the United States, while many of these same substances are banned in Europe.
An example of how toxic substances are used and not used in food worldwide is McDonald’s restaurants. There are many food additives approved for use in the United States, such as TBHQ, BHA, azodicarbonamide, sodium phosphate and artificial colors. Yet, these additives are not used in London.
In addition, many other toxic ingredients used in the Untied States but banned in Europe include partially hydrogenated oils that are used to extend the shelf life of items in the grocery store, and have been associated with heart disease and death due to their trans fat content; carrageenan, which causes gastrointestinal problems including cancer; high fructose corn syrup, which has been linked to obesity and diabetes; and TBHQ that is made from petroleum, and is linked to asthma, allergies, dizziness, and cancer.
It’s also important to note that GMOs are banned in many European countries, but not the United States! As proof of the truth of that statement, recent tests showed that Americans have 10 times the accumulated glyphosate in their urine as Europeans do.
Foods that contain corn, soy, or wheat include soft drinks (GM high fructose corn syrup), candy and chips (corn syrup and/or wheat), cereals (soy fillers such as soy lecithin), and beef and poultry that were fed GM corn or soy. The amount of glyphosate in a particular product may be small, but the glyphosate accumulates in a person’s body.
According to research, chemicals used in agriculture, as well as pesticides, can cause damage to your nervous system because they are neurotoxic. In addition to being neurotoxic, the EPA says carcinogens are present in 30% of insecticides, 60 % of herbicides, and 90% of fungicides.
All of these dangerous chemicals are allowed to be used in conventional farming, which means some or all of them are present in food labeled “conventionally grown,” such as fruits and vegetables. These toxins will also be present in processed food.
The Congressional General Accounting Office (GAO), recently issued a report that was highly critical of the ineffective pesticide residue monitoring performed by the USDA and FDA. Numerous suggestions for improvement were made, including increasing sample sizes, and monitoring pesticides where the EPA has already established tolerance levels.
The improvements suggested by the GAO might eventually determine the extent of regulatory violations in the agencies testing processes. The GAO also discovered that less than one-tenth of one percent of imported fruits and vegetables are tested by the FDA. Testing frequency for domestically grown fruits and vegetables was similar at less than one percent. The conclusion of the GAO was that sample sizes this small might not be “statistically valid.” Think about how often we hear about food recalls due to contamination, or possible contamination.
In addition, the report highlighted the fact that if the EPA has established residue limits, the FDA does not test for those pesticides in food. Now it’s easier to understand why there are frequent food recalls, and why they usually don’t happen until after people have gotten sick, or even died, from eating a specific food.
Many pesticide experts are now highlighting the farming industry’s use of desiccation, which consists of applying glyphosate to grain just before harvesting. For some reason, desiccation results in more seeds being released by the grain.
Approximately 15 years ago, glyphosate desiccation of wheat crops began. The crops using glyphosate desiccation have expanded since then to 160 conventionally grown crops. The crops include, barley, beans, peas, oats, canola, and flax.
Normal wheat contains an ingredient that is hard to break down. This problem is solved by the way different wheat proteins react to each other. Glyphosate makes wheat undigestible by stopping the protein process from occurring. This could result in an immune system reaction occurring in the body that manifests itself as celiac disease.
Understanding food labels is very important, but it can be difficult because they are so misleading. One of the ways food manufacturers confuse the public is by allowing pre-packaged food labeled “natural” to include GE ingredients. There are no regulations or standards for a product labeled “natural,” so it can include GMO and GE ingredients. There are numerous requirements for a product labeled “organic,” but there are three different types of organic products. A product labeled “USDA 100% organic” means it can only contain organic ingredients. A product labeled “USDA organic” means at least 95% of the ingredients must be organic. A product labeled “made with organic ingredients” means 70% to 95% of the ingredients must be organic.
Occasionally food manufacturers will change the name of an ingredient on the food label, so consumers think an ingredient has been removed from a product. A recent example of this is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS).
High fructose corn syrup is 90% fructose, a type of sugar. It has been linked to diabetes and obesity, and is made from corn. It is popular with manufacturers because it is a cheap form of sugar to use in food products. High fructose corn syrup also contains mercury. According to studies of products bought right off the shelf, if HFCS is the first or second ingredient listed on the label, approximately one third of those products will contain mercury. A co-author of one of the studies has said, “Mercury is toxic in all its forms. Given how much high-fructose corn syrup is consumed by children, it could be a significant additional source of mercury never before considered. We are calling for immediate changes by industry and the [U.S. Food and Drug Administration] to help stop this avoidable mercury contamination of the food supply.”
As consumers began to learn about the dangers of HFCS, they demanded HFCS be removed from various products. Food manufacturers didn’t want to give it up because of its cost, so they renamed HFCS on food labels to fructose, so consumers would think they had been victorious in getting a dangerous ingredient removed.
Numerous toxic chemicals in pizza boxes were names by the FDA in 2011. One of the chemicals listed, perchlorate, causes a decrease in a person’s quality of life through thyroid problems, lethargy, and weight gain, among other symptoms. Another toxin identified was perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs), which have been found to cause damage to the male reproductive system.
These chemicals are no longer used by U. S. manufacturers, but pizza boxes imported from China and India can still contain them.
A toxic substance used in food and beverage container linings is called bisphenol A (BPA). Originally discovered by a Russian chemist in 1891, BPA was later studied by Bayer (a NWO corp) and General Electric (a NWO corp) chemists. In the 1950s, those chemists discovered that BPA could be used to make polycarbonate plastics harder, and also make epoxy resin for linings in food containers. It’s used in many products, including water bottles (particularly dangerous if heated), linings for water pipes, dental devices, filings, and sealants, and the thermal paper used to make sales receipts. Approximately 10 billion pounds of BPA was produced in 2011 to make polycarbonate plastic.
BPA was tested as an artificial estrogen in the 1930s, but was determined to be too weak to be of any use. Instead, a structurally similar substance, diethylstilbestrol (DES), was developed that could be used as a synthetic estrogen drug in women. In 1971 it was banned in humans and in animals in 1979 due to cancer risks.
Although not used as a drug, BPA does mimic natural estrogen’s effects. It has been classed as an endocrine disrupter, and it can also interfere with reproduction in humans and animals by interrupting the structure monitoring signals controlling development,
The FDA prohibited using BPA in baby bottles in 2012. According to the Environmental Working Group, “If the agency truly wants to prevent people from being exposed to this toxic chemical associated with a variety of serious and chronic conditions it should ban its use in cans of infant formula, food and beverages.”
Animal studies have shown obesity is caused by endocrine disruptors, such as BPA, among other things.
The effects of exposure to BPA depend on the age of the person affected. If a person is affected as an adult, exposure to BPA alters insulin sensitivity and release but does not affect the person’s weight.
In 2014, the FDA stated, “BPA is safe at the current levels occurring in foods.”
Another toxic chemical found in plastic is bisphenol S (BPS). BPS is almost identical to BPA, and is frequently used in place of BPA in products, particularly when a product is labeled “BPA free.”
BPS is commonly used as a lining in tin cans used in the production of food. It is also used worldwide in paper products, including 100% of tickets, airplane luggage tags and boarding passes, and thermal sales receipts.
BPS is an endocrine disruptor, just like BPA. It can be absorbed through the skin when handling paper money.
Recycling thermal paper has been identified as the source of contamination of other paper products with BPS. According to a recent study, thermal receipts account for approximately 88% of human contact with BPS. BPS is not biodegradable.
RoundUp is one of the most toxic products in existence.
Originally patented in 1964 to chelate all the nutrients from a plant, glyphosate was introduced as an herbicide in 1974. By depriving crops of the nutrients needed, the plants are not healthy and are susceptible to diseases in the soil.
Beneficial soil organisms that exist around the plant roots are destroyed by glyphosate. This further weakens the plant while making the pathogens stronger.
Glyphosate can disrupt the photosynthesis process, affect root systems in various ways, and alter the pH of the soil, among other things. Surprisingly, all this damage glyphosate does to plants is not what kills the plants. Glyphosate itself doesn’t even kill plants.
Nearly all soil contains dangerous organisms capable of causing diseases. Glyphosate significantly enhances the effect of these organisms, which overwhelm the weakened plants with deadly diseases.
According to a Purdue University expert on glyphosate, the use of glyphosate causes the amount of crop diseases to increase. “There are more than 40 diseases of crop plants that are reported to increase with the use of glyphosate, and that number keeps growing as people recognize the association between glyphosate and disease,” he said.
Some of the organisms enhanced by glyphosate are dangerous fungi that can eventually end up in animal feed and our food supply. One glyphosate-promoted fungus has been linked to the medieval European plague epidemics, as well as serious diseases around the world, including infertility.
Monsanto added glyphosate-resistant RoundUp ready crops in 1996, allowing farmers to just kill the weeds, not the crops. Stating this would reduce herbicide use, Monsanto was somewhat correct for three years. Unfortunately, herbicide use substantially increased during the following 10 years. Incredibly, 13 years after GMOs had been introduced, 383 million pounds of herbicides, mostly RoundUp, were being used by Americans. Approximately half of the 383 million pounds were used in the last two years of the 13-year period.
An unexpected result of using glyphosate was that the weeds would become resistant to glyphosate as well as the organisms in the soil that ordinarily would have killed the plants. Farmers tried to counteract this by using greater amounts of RoundUp. Plant diseases that used to be under control are now exploding and causing hardships for farmers.
The most popular herbicide in the agriculture industry in 2007, glyphosate was the second-most popular herbicide used by consumers and other industries.
By 2016, an unexpected spread of glyphosate-resistant weeds resulted in a 100-fold increase in the use of glyphosate herbicides.
Originally advertised as biodegradable, meaning it quickly breaks down in soil, Monsanto was found guilty of false advertising in U. S. and European courts. Monsanto’s data showed that after 28 days, approximately 2% of the glyphosate breaks down. The rate at which glyphosate breaks down is dependent on many factors, including the condition of the soil and if enzymes are present to break down the glyphosate. Incredibly, one study revealed that only half of the glyphosate had broken down in 22 years!
European scientists have shown that preventing plants from getting the nutrients from the soil that they need only takes less than an ounce of glyphosate per acre of crops! Even worse than that, an increasing number of farmers are discovering that planting crops in soil that contained glyphosate years prior to the planting make the crops weak. This is a result of the glyphosate accumulating in the soil year after year. Glyphosate can also become reactivated by the use of phosphate fertilizers, among others.
Glyphosate can be carried by the wind to other farms, including organic farms, in water, and other ways.
A recent study on glyphosate’s effect on the health of Americans stated that glyphosate targets metabolic processes in animals and disrupts them. According to the authors of the study, glyphosate has shown that it “disrupts the endocrine system and the balance of gut bacteria… damages DNA and is a driver of mutations that lead to cancer.”
In many cities and towns, RoundUp is a hazmut problem, because the fumes are toxic to their employees that collect the trash. The RoundUp container is not to be thrown in the trash. Instead it should be disposed of in the same manner that paint, paint thinner, mercury, CFL light bulbs, and other toxic substances are disposed of. Yet, the federal government has established acceptable levels of glyphosate in our food! Since glyphosate accumulates in our bodies, there should be no acceptable level allowed in food.
All processed food (pre-packaged food) most likely contains glyphosate. Read the food label of pre-packaged food very carefully before purchasing it. If the ingredients contain corn or soy, it’s almost a certainty they are GMO, and glyphosate has contaminated the corn or soy. It’s best to buy pre-packaged food labeled organic or GMO free, but the food labels must still be checked. Sometimes a package is labeled GMO free, but when reading the label, it identifies the specific ingredients that are GMO free, and it never says the soy lecithin is GMO free. Wheat is another crop that contains glyphosate at least 50% of the time. Wheat is frequently sprayed with RoundUp before harvesting.
The United States sprays approximately one billion pounds of pesticides, mostly glyphosate, on crops each year. Monsanto maintains that our bodies excrete glyphosate so it doesn’t present a problem. Yet, glyphosate has been identified in blood, urine, and breast milk, in addition to the various health problems it causes.
Amazingly, the USDA won’t test for glyphosate, even though it tests foods for pesticides.
Diseases Attributed to Glyphosate —
Many diseases have been attributed to eating GMO food, and more and more diseases are being linked to GMO foods. Do any of the diseases associated with glyphosate have anything in common? Yes, they are all the diseases associated with eating the Western diet.
This highlights the significance of testing for glyphosate in our food, but that is not what is happening. Instead of testing for glyphosate, the EPA periodically increases the acceptable levels of glyphosate in our food. In 2013, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) again increased the amount of glyphosate allowed in food crops from 200 parts per million (ppm) to 6,000 ppm. The amount of glyphosate allowed in specific crops such as soybeans and canola is now 40 ppm, up from 20 ppm. According to a group that monitors GM food, 40 ppm is more than 100,000 times the rate necessary for creating breast cancer cells.
Why is our food allowed to contain acceptable levels of a toxic substance?
Glyphosate is known to cause endocrine disrupting diseases, including infertility. Based on independent studies, numerous diseases, including neurotoxic and carcinogenic diseases, have been linked to RoundUp ready crops. Other diseases linked to RoundUp include Alzheimer’s, cancer (particularly breast cancer in women), hypertension, obesity, renal disease, and cardiovascular disease.
According to a scientist, “Negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body.” In addition, the nutritional deficiencies created by glyphosate will result in serious diseases later on.
Brain Disorders —
Recently an MIT research scientist stated that the rate of autism in children will be 50% by 2025. That’s one out of every two children will have autism within the next 10 years! What is causing such a dramatic increase in this horrific disease? Glyphosate.
According to the MIT scientist, autism closely mimics glyphosate toxicity. There is an amazing correlation between rising autism rates and RoundUp being used on crops, as well as RoundUp-ready GMO crop seeds. Vaccination side effects also contribute to the autism rates.
The most common development disability is autism. It is the fastest growing disability in children and has increased 120% since 2000. The projected cost of treating autism is $400 billion annually within 10 years.
Glyphosate has also been linked to other debilitating, and ultimately fatal, brain diseases including Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, ALS, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, and senile dementia.
Glyphosate deprives crops of nutrients that are essential to the health of humans, including iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium. Deficiencies in these nutrients are known to cause diseases. A deficiency of copper and magnesium has been linked with Alzheimer’s. The number of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s since 1990 has increased 9000%.
Glyphosate deprives crops of nutrients that are essential to the health of humans, including iron, zinc, copper, and magnesium. Deficiencies in these nutrients are known to cause diseases. A deficiency of copper and magnesium have been linked with Alzheimer’s. The number of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s since 1990 has increased 9000%.
An expert in toxicity of GE foods says glyphosate could be more toxic than the dangerous chemical DDT. Prior to being determined to be harmful, DDT was considered “safe enough to eat.” Recent research has linked developing Alzheimer’s to DDT exposure that occurred decades earlier.
Cancer —
Some of the more deadly forms of cancer have been associated with eating GMO food. The rates of these cancers have been exploding in recent years as the use of glyphosate and other chemicals have been used extensively in conventional farming.
The forms of cancer linked to GMO food include thyroid, pancreatic, liver, bladder, kidney, and myeloid leukemia.
Diabetes —
Statistics show that the health of Americans is deteriorating at an alarming rate. Diabetes in particular is increasing rapidly. Approximately 12% of Americans older than 20 are diabetics, while 37% are pre-diabetic. Just ten years ago it was 27%. Without making changes in their lifestyle, approximately 30% of pre-diabetics will become diabetics in five years. What is causing the increase?
Experts attribute the increase to rising rates of obesity, greater consumption of fast food, decreasing levels of activity, and a population growing older.
In 2013 it was estimated that diabetes resulted in $245 billion in healthcare costs in that year alone.
Gut Problems —
Approximately 80% of your immune system is located in your gut. There are hundreds of different types of bacteria in your gut. About 80% are considered good, and 20% are considered bad. The 80/20 ratio is normal. Any change that reduces the amount of good bacteria and increases the amount of bad bacteria is dangerous and can lead to the development of serious diseases. GMO food targets the good bacteria and tries to kill it, so it will ultimately kill you.
An imbalance in the 80/20 normal bacteria ratio is called gut dysbiosis. Numerous diseases linked to gut dysbiosis include inflammation, leaky gut, food allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, intestinal infections, and gluten intolerance.
Celiac disease is caused by gut dysbiosis, which has now been linked to glyphosate exposure. This is a result of glyphosate’s ability to suppress enzyme activity that is necessary in animals, which is accomplished by destroying gut villi, thereby compromising the body’s absorption ability to retain necessary vitamins and minerals.
According to research released in 2013, glyphosate might be the single definitive component in the evolution of chronic diseases. How can many different diseases be linked to one chemical? Because it targets the good bacteria in your gut.
A large study performed at a children’s hospital has determined that the 65% increase in American children with inflammatory bowel conditions (IBD) during the last 10 years is probably from eating GMO foods. The increase was based on the number of children with IBD discharged from the hospital. In 2000 there were 11,928 discharges, and that number increased to 19,568 in 2009.
Children have plenty of access to GMO foods, including eating school lunches, eating at home, and eating in restaurants.
Two diseases considered to be IBD are ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD). These diseases were included in the studied discharge rates of the hospital. The significant increases in discharge rates included a CD increase of 59%, and a UC increase of 71%.
A Harvard study discovered the following:
The genes of genetically modified foods are split with the E.coli bacteria, Bt toxin, and other gene promotors that leave the bacterium’s residue in your gut that causes IBD, IBS, Crohn’s, and UC. The statistical increase in digestive diseases and colorectal cancer can be directly traced to the creation of genetically modified foods and the addition of dangerous addictive chemicals in packaged foods.”
A link between eating GMOs and developing IBD may not be such a surprise when you consider the fact that the stomachs of insects actually rupture from Bt toxin in GMO food. Yet, Monsanto and the EPA always claimed that Bt toxins would only be harmful to insects, because the digestive system of humans would destroy the bacteria completely.
According to a Canadian hospital, the Bt toxins have been found in pregnant women’s blood, as well as their unborn babies. In a small study, it was found 93% of the pregnant wmen had Bt toxin in their flood, and 80% of the newborn babies umbilical blood contained the toxin.
Infertility —
A recent study identified the female sex hormone oestrogen as being the reason the sperm count in Western men is dropping. Some experts call this the feminization of men when they are exposed to the hormone through different products that contain it. The products include some plastics such as PVC piping, and foods containing soy, which is comprised of the oestrogen mimicking compound xenestrogen.
The authors of the study called for additional research to determine if the feminization of Western men is being caused by environmental influences.
In 1909, the U. S. birth rate per 1,000 women was 126.8. Approximately 100 years later, it was 69.3, and 62.5 by 2013, an all-time low. The birth rate was different depending on the age group. The declining birth rate for women under 30, considered the prime age for giving birth, continued as it has for more than 20 years. Age groups above 30 had slight increases in birth rates.
Obesity —
Scientists believe the female sex hormone oestrogen is to blame for the epidemic of obesity in men. In women, the hormone has been linked to gaining weight, as well as affecting the proper functioning of the thyroid and different parts of the brain.
The obesity rates of men in Western countries are closer to the women’s obesity rates. In some Western countries, there are more obese men than women. This is the opposite of what is happening in developing countries where women’s obesity rates are substantially higher than the male rate.
A bad diet is certainly a contributing factor to obesity, but the rates are so high that diet is not believed to be the sole cause of the epidemic.
Pregnancy —
The blood and urine of pregnant women contain glyphosate, and fetal cells have even been found to contain it.
A study recently published in Norway found that genetically engineered (GE) soy had glyphosate in such high levels, in addition to a significantly reduced amount of nutrition, that its quality and safety was questioned by the researchers. The significantly increased rates of birth defects and cancer in Argentina’s farming communities planting GE corn and soy is gradually being linked to glyphosate.
In France, a court found Monsanto guilty of falsely advertising RoundUp as “biodegradable” and “environmentally friendly,” among other misleading claims, in the 2009 decision.
Argentina is one of the world’s major producers and exporters of GE corn and soy. As a result, there has been a tremendous increase in fertility problems and birth defects. In one village bordered by soy plantations, glyphosate has caused a 100 times greater miscarriage rate than the national average. According to a neonatal specialist at a children’s hospital, “I see new-born infants, many of whom are malformed. I have to tell parents that their children are dying because of these agricultural methods. In some areas in Argentina the primary cause of death for children less than one year old is malformations.”
An unusual form of chronic kidney disease began appearing in farmers in Sri Lanka, India, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica in the 1990s. It’s unusual because it affects those with none of the known risk factors for kidney disease. More than 20,000 farmers have died since then, and the cause has been traced to using RoundUp mixed with other fertilizers.
Who are the natural makers of food? Honeybees and animals. How important are honeybees to our food supply? More than 100 food crops rely on pollination by bees. The bees make approximately 30% of our food supply, which amounts to about $15 billion in the United States and $215 billion worldwide, including apples, berries, squash, carrots, and onions. Most food considered healthy relies on bees.
Periodically we hear about bee colonies being wiped out, but without understanding how important honeybees are to our survival, the loss of honeybees may not seem important.
In 2006, for example, 32% of America’s honeybees were wiped out. The following winter, another 36% of the honeybees died. In 2007, the UK lost 30% of its honeybees, and Italy lost 40% – 50% of its honeybees. In 2014 in Ontario, Canada, a record 58% of their honeybees were lost.
Certain types of pesticides have been identified as the major cause of the honeybee depopulation problem. Several countries have taken steps to ban these pesticides. One of the manufacturers of these pesticides is Bayer (a NWO corp).
An expert in GE toxicity has linked Bee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), as well as starvation of honeybees, to glyphosate. The soil around the roots of a plant is highly toxic as a result of the glyphosate.
On May 28, 2013, the EPA announced they would try to protect commercial honeybees from “pesticides that are acutely toxic” by temporarily creating pesticide-free zones. The rule would apply to blooming crops that are pollinated by commercial honeybees. Approximately 76 active pesticide ingredients were covered, including neonicotinoid insecticide.
Also in May 2013, the USDA said that from 2014-2015, 42.1% of commercial honeybee colonies were lost, an increase from 34.2% from 2013-2014.
Commercial beekeepers,scientists and environmental groups say the bees are being harmed by neonicotinoids which is used on crops and lawns. The manufacturers of those insecticides, Bayer (a NWO corp) and Syngenta, of course say there are other causes for the disappearing bees.
According to critics of the rule, applying neonicotinoid insecticide prior to planting the seeds is not addressed. The insecticide is believed to linger in the environment resulting in damage lasting for years.
Another dangerous food to eat that contains high levels of glyphosate is honey. Honey, of course, is made by honeybees.
A recent study conducted in the Philadelphia, PA, area tested samples of honey, pancake and corn syrup, as well as other items. The highest glyphosate residues were in the honey. The minimum limit of quantification for the study was 15 ppb. Only the honey exceeded the limit, with 59% of the samples being between 17 ppb and 163 ppb.
Organic honey was also affected. Approximately 45% of the samples contained between 26 ppb and 93 ppb.
Animals used for the food we eat are also poisoned through the food they eat.
Livestock feed mainly consists of RoundUp Ready crops such as soy (93% RoundUp Ready) and corn (70% RoundUp Ready). Other RoundUp Ready crops are also used as animal feed, such as canola and sugar beets. The loss of nutrients caused by glyphosate can be devastating. Manganese, in particular, is targeted by glyphosate. As an experiment, a veterinarian added manganese to livestock feed after lab results showed no manganese in a stillborn calf. As a result of the added manganese, the rate of diseases in the herd fell to less than 0.5% from 20%!
Older vets that began their practices before GMOs were introduced in 1996 say the GMOs have made animals sicker. The health improvement in livestock moved from GMO feed to non-GMO feed is substantial.
Another type of livestock feed contaminated with glyphosate is alfalfa, the fourth largest crop in the U.S. Glyphosate damage to RoundUp Ready alfalfa crops would probably be worse than most crops because alfalfa has deep roots and glyphosate reaches the sub soils.
After a federal court declared the approval of RoundUp Ready alfalfa illegal in 2007, Monsanto demanded an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) be released by the USDA mentioning the possibility of environmental damage. The USDA was only too happy to comply. The EIS stated that organic and non-GMO alfalfa could be contaminated with GMO alfalfa and an economic hardship for farmers might result. Instead of rejecting Monsanto’s request for RoundUp Ready alfalfa plants, the USDA specified isolation distances when planting the alfalfa plants.
Thousands of nonorganic prepackaged food contains GMO soy. Animal feed for various livestock, including pigs, cows, and poultry, contain GMO soy or corn.
Organic meat (beef, pork, poultry, etc.) means the animal was fed organic feed which would not contain GMO ingredients.
We’ve learned that grass-fed beef is the healthiest type of red meat to eat. What happens if the grass being eaten by the cows is GM grass? In 2014, the Scotts ‘Miracle-Gro’ Company, and exclusive agent for Monsanto, began testing its GMO Roundup-Ready Kentucky bluegrass at its employees homes!
It’s impossible to avoid GMO food 100% of the time, but there are some things you can do to significantly reduce your exposure to GMO food. When grocery shopping, only buy 100% certified organic produce and meat. If buying pre-packaged food, make sure the label says certified non-GMO, and/or organic. Remember: if an ingredient on the label is soy lecithin, it will be GMO unless specified otherwise. Anything labeled “natural” is a gimmick to trick you into thinking it’s just as healthy as organic food, when it isn’t.
There is no way of knowing if restaurant food is organic, unless you’re at an organic restaurant, so assume all restaurant food is GMO food. Limit how often you eat at a restaurant, maybe only once a week.